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How to be an ally to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

By Ian Wishart | Posted 22/10/21

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples need all Australians to support their leadership and their fight for equity by standing next to them as true allies. Here are a few ways you can be a good ally too.

5 things to consider when writing a Will

By Anne Casey | Posted 19/10/21

The idea of having to write a Will may not seem the most pleasant, but it can be a great way to gain control over your affairs and feel prepared, whatever the future may hold.

5 reasons why young people should write a will

By Anne Casey | Posted 14/10/21

While it may seem like Will-writing is something that only older people need to worry about, especially the elderly, the truth of the matter is that you might want to get your Will sorted out sooner, rather than later.

How to look after your eyes after cataract surgery

By Lila Raj Puri | Posted 12/10/21

Do you have cataract surgery coming up? While it’s perfectly natural to be a little nervous, don’t worry in silence. Speaking to your ophthalmologist or operating surgeon will help to ease your concerns and answer any questions pre-surgery and tell you how to care for your eyes post-surgery.

Signs of cataract to look for in your child's eyes

By Dr May Ho | Posted 08/10/21

Cataract is a clouding of the lens in your eye which causes blurred and hazy vision, eventually leading to blindness if left untreated. A study in 2002 found that an estimated 2.2 babies in every 10,000 births are diagnosed with paediatric cataract in Australia.

6 other ways to give to charity

By Tessa Bell | Posted 05/10/21

Giving to a charity is a feel good moment, but what if you don’t know where to start? Apart from donating, there are many other ways to support your favourite charity or social enterprise, and contribute to a worthy cause.

7 ways to make eye care more accessible to Indigenous Peoples

By Aildrene Tan | Posted 07/09/21

Indigenous Peoples of the world are often marginalised and discriminated against. But there are ways to make eye care services more accessible to Indigenous Peoples.

Innovative models of sustainable eye care

By Ryan Hamilton | Posted 03/09/21

Blindness and vision impairment is impacting people all around the world, and the need for high quality eye care is growing. Sustainable and innovative models of eye care are needed to ensure preventable and treatable blindness doesn’t run rampant, and can be managed effectively.

Here's why The Foundation supports the Uluru Statement From the Heart

By Jaki Adams | Posted 01/09/21

The Fred Hollows Foundation has always supported elevating the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and our support of the Uluru Statement from the Heart is another example of our commitment to social justice.

Game-changing model to shape the eyeglasses market and strengthen eye health systems in Cambodia

By The Fred Hollows Foundation | Posted 01/09/21

Increasing access to eyeglasses for all Cambodians, an innovative project that will shape the market for eyeglasses has been launched in Cambodia by international eye health organisation The Fred Hollows Foundation.

$25 can restore sight
$25 can restore sight

$25 can restore sight

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